Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

leaves are falling....
Happy Halloween!
Logan watching The Great Pumpkin.

He kept falling down because he was not used to his new kicks.

I hope everyone has fun tonight trick-or-treating. Jack is in Baltimore with work. He will be home tomorrow! Logan has been under the weather with a cold.  He actually goes to the doctor tomorrow. Bless his heart. He seems fine during the day. However, by night he seems miserable. So we are having a Halloween pajama day together and watching Sprout probally for most of the day. My parents came down this weekend. It was nice seeing them. Logan proved to be quite the mommom's boy this weekend. Mom and I went shopping and got Logan some cute new clothes. Logan and his Poppop had bonding time while me and my mom were out and about. Here are some pictures I took of Logan yesterday in his new boots. He wore this pumpkin hat last year for Halloween/Thanksgiving. It fits him much better this year. Have a great day everyone!

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