Friday, October 1, 2010


This reminds me of
Jack and examination room.
waiting for the Dr....
About a week ago I noticed a small & subtle nodule on Logan's groin area as I was changing his diaper. I finally decided that it was worrying me to death and I needed something done about it. I decided to schedule an appointment with his pediatrician to get it checked out. Jack and I took Logan this morning. I am happy to report that his pediatrician does not think it is anything harmful. However, he does feel like it is something we should keep our eye on. You know me! Of course I will! I am a protective mom! The pediatrician feels like it is a lymph node that is slightly bigger than the rest of the lymphs in the groin area. Please know that other than the little nodule...Logan is as healthy as can be. The nodule does not even seem to bother him...even when it is being touched. The pediatrician said he sees this all the time on other children and it is rarely a cause for concern. To give me more peace of mind the pediatrician will be following up wth Logan a week from today on October 8th. He will be getting a little bloodwork prick done to check his levels. He may even be getting an ultrasound just depending on his bloodwork results. I appreciate them being so thorough with Logan.The pediatrician feels like in his heart that Logan is ok. I would appreciate your prayers anyway. I feel like deep down Logan is ok too but there is always that thought of..what if? I am turning it over to the Lord and I know that he is in control.

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