Sunday, October 10, 2010

Butternut Squash

Recipie time! This is  simple and classic....Butternut Squash. I know everyone probally already knows how to make squash. However, I will admit that I just learned. My inspiration to make this....Logan! This has been one of my son's favorite foods since about 4 months old. I had never tasted squash before in my life until I tasted some of his baby food. For me squash is an aquired taste. It grew on me as time went on. I looked it up on the Internet how to prepare squash and this is what I came up with. I cook it on top of the stove in EVOO and butter. I season it with black pepper and thyme. I also include a couple cloves of fresh garlic. I use a hand grater to grate in the garlic. Delicious! I LOVE this! It is very good for you too!

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