Saturday, October 2, 2010


At Stride Rite for first shoe fitting.
Helping mommy pick out shoes.
foot measuring time...
It's official...he is a 4 WIDE!
Getting some support from daddy.

All set with my new kicks!
 What an exciting day! This morning Logan stood up on his own for about 20 seconds. You can tell he wants to take right off. Jack and I decided that it is time for some real shoes for baby boy. We took him to Stride Rite in Chesapeake for his first shoe fitting. He looks super duper cute in his new shoes. I can not believe how fast he is growing up. I tried letting him walk around in the mall afterwards. However, I think it feels kind of weird to him right now. I think he likes his new shoes because he keeps grabbing them and smiling!

P.S. Jack picked out his first pair of shoes. He wanted him to have a pair of shoes just like him. They did not have Nike which Jack normally wears. However, he insisted that Logan must get a pair of white sneakers. So we did just that. Too cute.

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