Thursday, September 9, 2010


Happy 1st Birthday Logan!FIRST time crawling.FIRST O's Jacket. (belonged to Mommy)

FIRST Mother's Day with mommy & daddy...Botanical Gardens in Norfolk, VA.

FIRST time on the boards in Ocean City, MD.Assateague, VA

FIRST Easter..FIRST tie. : )

My little angel.
FIRST Valentines Day.FIRST snow.
FIRST time visiting daddy at work.

FIRST time eating baby food.

FIRST Christmas.

FIRST Thanksgiving FIRST Halloween...God I love him. One of the FIRST days home with Mommy.
One of the FIRST of many hugs from mommy.

FIRST snooze alone in a chair. : ) Getting ready to take Logan home for the FIRST time.

FIRST picture I posted online of Logan.

FIRST photo session with Bluebug Photography...3 weeks old.

2 weeks old.

A baby sleeping is so beautiful. FIRST breaths of life...9-10-09

Here is a quick glimpse of Logan's first year of life. I could never fit enough pictures on here to really sum up the past year. However, this gives you a good idea what Logan has been up to. I thought it might be appropriate to share many of Logan's FIRSTS with you since we are celebrating his FIRST Birthday! Some pictures may be repeats...if so..I'm sorry!

One year ago today I gave birth to the most precious baby boy. My water broke at 3:30 pm on 9-9-09. I finally had our first child at 3:03 am on 9-10-09. He weighed 9 pounds and was 20.75 inches long. Jack and I have been so blessed with our little Logan Michael. He came into our lives bringing much joy and trepidation. Logan has been such an easy-going, calm, and quiet baby since day 1. For all those who truly know me and Jack...I know that is so hard to believe that our baby turned out this way.'s true! I will admit...lately Logan has gotten very busy and has spouts where he gets very loud. Although somedays I wish I had permanent earrplugs and somedays I suffer from extreme exhaustion from chasing my little monkey around... I wouldn't have it any other way. Logan is such a sweet, happy, & healthy, little boy. I do not have enough time to make a complete list to describe this kid. What can I say...I'm a proud momma! What mother isn't?
What Logan has been up to recently.....

  • when asked "where's dada?" he points and smiles at Jack.
  • almost says "duck"
  • eating some solid foods..bananas..cantelope..turkey..mashed taters..oatmeal..cheese
  • likes orange cream sherbert icecream
  • LOVES to eat puffs
  • able to show you where his head, tummy, and ears are
  • loves books
  • not crazy about juice but loves his "milkshake" and water
  • gets excited about taking his bath but hates water poured over his head
  • loves to play with my cellphone and act like he's talking on it
  • babbles alot...(sounds like he is talking in a foreign language) I love it!
  • hams it up in front of the camera when he is in the mood
  • loves the dishwasher, toilet, fridge, oven washer, drier...yes..basically any major appliance
  • loves to open cabinets...take things out and make HUGE messes
  • Still loves to wake up in the middle of the night and get in bed with mommy and daddy.
  • Goes right for the dogfood as soon as I put it down and trys to splash in the water and eat the food.
  • Loves to climb up the stairs
  • Loves music and to "sing/hum" along
  • Still LOVES his paci
  • Loves his blankie and pets it too...(so cute)
  • wearing 24 month clothes
  • when he is doing something he is not supposed to I say no...he shakes his head as if saying no.
  • plays So Big
  • claps his hands
  • waves hello and bye bye
  • gives me kisses

There is so much more about this kid and I could never capture it all here. Wish I could! One day I hope Logan looks back on this blog...(actually reads it) and realizes how much we love him. He is our heart..our soul...our world...our everything. I pray that God continues to guide us along as we raise Logan. I pray that Logan grows into be a healthy, happy, independent, patient, honest, loving, sensitive, slow to anger, hard-working young man. I also want him to know and love Jesus. These are some of the many qualities I want to instill in Logan. I want so much for him and he deserves the very best in life. I want him to follow his heart and to never let fear stand in the way of anything he walk with confidence no matter how he may feel inside...and at the end of the day I just want him to live life with no regrets and to always be happy. I know it will not be possible to raise such a wonderful person without God being the center of my life. He has gotten me through many times in my life. He has been right there for me the past year as I have been raising Logan. I pray He gives me the strength and the knowledge I need to raise my child up right.

To sum up the past year I would say it has been ONE-derful. I think that it is also an appropriate way to describe today too! Happy 1st Birthday baby. You are the best!

He is ONE-derful!
LMW. My first born love.

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