Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Logan's 1st Birthday Party

Me & my half nakey birthday baby.Jack helping the birthday boy blow out his candle.
It's my party & I'll cry if I want to!
The family..EVERYONE!
I am trying to play catch up a little with my pictures. These are from Logan's 1st Birthday party with Jack's side of the family. We had a barbeque outside at Mommom Arlene's house. It was another Sock Monkey themed party and everything was so cute! The weather was just perfect and EVERYONE in Jack's family was able to make it. Logan did not appreciate his smash cake at all! I was hoping he would dig into it but we had tears and screaming instead! Another highlight of this weekend was that we got to meet Logan's new cousin, Faith. What a sweetie! Sorry for such the delay with these photos! Better late than never!

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