Thursday, September 2, 2010

Facing Forward

So everyone I asked had different opinions about when to turn Logan's carseat around. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and turn the sucker around. Most everyone told me that Logan had to be 20 pounds or more....(Check) ...and one year old. (Not quite yet). I turned it around about 1 week and a half ago and Logan is ALMOST 1 year old. I figured he won't be doing much changing in a few days. Since he has been facing forward in the truck he has been super happy! I must say I have never really had any major problems even when he faced the other way. He has thrown less fits though now that he is facing forward, Plus I love the fact that I can see his sweet face while I am driving. I like it better this way and have been waiting for this change for what seems like forever! This picture was taken a few seconds into his first car ride facing FORWARD!

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