Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm still here!

Hey all my blogger friends! Some of you might have thought I have fallen off of the face of the earth....but I am still here! We were out of town last week and it was BUSY! A quick summary...I finally got to meet my new newphew, Gavin...(what a handsome little guy!) My sister is doing great and looking great too! I also got to meet my little cousin, Summer for the first time. Logan had fun playing with her and she was so adorable. I also got to see my cousin, Brandon and his wife Karen. It was great catching up with them. Logan got sick for the first time in his entire year of life. He had a little ear infection and sore throat. It was a rough week on him but he finally bounced back to normal today. Thank goodness I had my parents there for me to help me with my little boy. I would not had made it without them! Jack was in New York all week for work. He sent me some pictures from his cell phone and I appreciated that very much. He knows how much I love New York and I would had loved to had been there too. I will share some of those pictures with you when I get a chance to upload them. My bestie also got married this past Saturday too. I had the special honor of being in her bridal party. It was a gorgeous wedding! The ceremony was at their church in Maryland. The reception took place at the Golden Sands in Ocean City, MD. We were on the top floor with an oceanfront view of the ocean. It could not had been more perfect. I am so happy for my friend! I will post some wedding pictures soon! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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