Saturday, April 17, 2010

Zoo, OC, & Chincoteague

On the pier in OC.My boy and I on the boardwalk.
Down by the inlet.

Ocean City, MDPizza at the Dough Roller.

First time on the boards.

Sunset over Chincoteague.

Poppop Jack's work equipment at the beach.

Where's Gracie? Look at top of slide!

Aunt Heather & Logie pie.
Logan & the flamingos.This bear is ancient..been there since I was G's age!
My two buddies.
Grace practicing for her baby brother.
Pretty peacock.

Miss Independent...Great picture...Great day!

Logan sure is going for it! (haha)

Hanging out at Gracie's.


Jack had to be in New Jersey this past week for work. So Logan and I headed to the shore for a little family time. We stayed so busy and it was a lot of fun. We hung out with his cousin, Grace and Aunt Heather. We took the youngins to the zoo on Monday. This was Logan's first time at a zoo. I do not know who he was entertained most by...the animals or his cousin, Grace. The otters were a big hit! We let them play at the park too and that was of course a big hit...especially the swings. We left the park and ate at "The Dragon Restaurant" as Miss Gracie would say. : ) My mom took off work one day to hang out with Logan and I. We headed to Ocean City for the day. My was a gorgeous day to hang out near the ocean! This was Logan's first time on the boardwalk. He was so entertained by all the happenings there on the boards. We got some pizza at the Dough Roller....yum! You also can not go to Ocean City without picking up some Dollie's popcorn. My mom, dad, Logan, and I went to Chincoteague one afternoon as well. We drove over to the beach to look at his Poppop Jack's work he has been doing at the beach. Logan loved his poppop's equipment he uses at work. He seemed to be amazed by it all. It was a wonderful week on the Eastern Shore. However, it was good to get back home to Jack when it was all said and done. We sure did miss daddy this week!

Special shout out to three GREAT kids...Collin, Caitlyn, and Cameron! April is a hot month for my nieces and nephews. All three are celebrating birthdays this month! We love you three and hope you have a HAPPY HAPPY Birthday! We also want to remember our niece, Courtney who would had also been celebrating her birthday this month too with her twin, Caitlyn. We love you and miss you Courtney! You are our family's angel.

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