Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First time at church....

My handsome guys dressed up for church...
1st Baptist in the background...
Inside the Nursery Suite...
We took Logan to church for the 1st time 2-28-10. We have been wanting to take him for a while. However, I just wanted him to get a little bigger. I was nervous about leaving him with someone I did not know for the 1st time. As soon as we walked in we dropped him off in the nursery suite. He was the first baby there and a nice lady was working the nursery. My friend Amy was supposed to be helping that day too but she ended up not being there that day. I waved goodbye to Logan and he just stared at me and his daddy walk away. It about broke my heart. I surprised myself though about how I did not cry leaving him there. It was a nice service and I did not get up one time to check on him. I just knew deep down he was in good hands. Towards the end of the service I looked at Jack and whispered, " I miss my baby. " I really did! When church was over Jack and I went to the nursery to pick up Logan. There was someone new in there and she was rocking my baby away in the chair. She did not want to give him back to me...she was in love with him! : ) They told me he did great and he took a little cat nap. The rest of the time he was up and looking around. I was so proud of my baby boy!

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