Wednesday, March 10, 2010

1/2 way there....

Logan Michael turned 6 months old today! Unfortunatley he had to go to his 6 month well baby check-up today. He is weighing in at 18 pounds and 27 inches long. He checked out beautifully and I was relieved. His pediatrician said that since Logan seems to be such a rock star...he does not have to go back until he is 1 year old! Logan had to get a round of shots today too and he did well getting them! I have to watch him though because one of the shots might give him a little fever. Bless his heart. He seems to be doing great so far. He even let me take a few 6 month pictures today! I have got to find a new prop background for my pictures though! I love his sweet little Ralph Lauren Polo shirt...isn't it just too cute for words? I love my baby boy more than life itself. I can not explain how fast his first 6 months of life have gone by. the blink of an eye! I am trying to hang on to every moment! Happy 6 months baby boy! Momma and Daddy loves you very much!

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