Sunday, February 21, 2010

Visit from Mommom & Pop-de-dop...

My parents came in for a visit this weekend. It was so nice to see them. Jack ended up having to work Friday and most of Saturday. However, he made it home just in time for us to catch a movie. Can I say, "Dear John!" That movie was great! I really reccomend this one! My husband even liked it. I started reading the book a few weeks ago. I must say I am enjoying the book more. It is a little different from the movie. Anyway, the first picture is my parents pushing Logan in his stroller in Smithfield, VA. I took them to the bakery to eat the best chicken salad sandwich on tomato basil bread that you will ever put in your mouth! OMG! So yummy! I have mentioned Smithfield before and it is one of my favorite places. It is a quaint little town and my family likes it there too. My parents sent me the other picture as they were going over the bay bridge this morning. What a beautiful sunrise! Notice all of the cutters and boats along the horizon? My husband works out there just like that too! I also took my parents to Lone Star Lakes. I will upload those pictures ASAP. I hope everyone had a nice weekend and have a great week!

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