Thursday, February 11, 2010

Can it be true?...

I just can not get over how I am 28 years old! At 11:45 am I officially turned 28. Wow! Where are the years going? I remember crying my eyes out when I turned 25...I was halfway there to 30 and that was a real problem for me! haha.. Now look at me! I can honestly say I did not cry over turning 26, 27, or 28. I just feel blessed for every year the good Lord gives me. I am not doing anything special today. Just hanging out in my pj's with Logan. It is so much fun having him around for these occasions. We are waiting for daddy to get home from work and then we will celebrate some more. Jack is off tomorrow so we are going to head over to Virginia Beach for the day. Jack is taking me out to dinner at the Cavalier Hotel. It is a landmark in Virginia Beach. It is absolutley stunning. I have always wanted to go there. Here is the website to this location... There have been I believe 7 United States Presidents who have visited there as well. We were supposed to go there for our anniversary this year but we ended up going somewhere else. Logan was a bit cranky that day so we did not want to take him somewhere nice like that and ruin everyone's time. So this is really my rain check dinner for our anniversary and my birthday. I am so looking forward to it! Meanwhile, I am having a good day. The sun is out and it is a beautiful day! Thank you for all the birthday wishes, cards, gifts, flowers, emails, really means alot to me! I hope everyone has a great day and weekend too!