Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day...

Cheese!...Jack put this arrangement together for me....
Don't let go baby!... : )
I've NEVER seen prettier roses...PINK, my favorite!He made me a candlelit dinner...

Coconut shrimp...made by my one and only...

Love this place...

My two favorite boys Valentine's Day morning... VA Beach...1st time Logan saw the ocean....

My two handsome fellows...

Atlanta Bread for lunch...

Me & my Logan...

Jack & I have always enjoyed our time together on this romantic day of the year. However, I must say that this was the best Valentine's Day I have had in my entire life. I had not one but TWO Valentine's this year! Jack & I took Logan to Virginia Beach for Valentine's Day. Logan saw the ocean for the first time. It was so cold but it was just so beautiful there along the shore. I am excited to take him there this summer when things are bumping on the boardwalk. I think he will have a blast there! We were supposed to go to dinner at the Cavalier a few days ago. However, Jack and I have both been nursing colds. Therefore, we decided to go another time when we are feeling better. However, we scoped out the Cavalier for on Valentine's Day as well. It got me super excited to go to dinner there! It is a stunning place! I had a very nice day with my two guys. I am so blessed to be able to feel so much love in my heart for them! On a side note...Jack, Logan, and I were upstairs this afternoon watching a movie. I had Logan down on the floor doing his daily tummy time. Jack & I just happened to be watching him at the same time and he rolled over on his back! This was such a milestone and I am so proud of him! Before I was a parent I never thought I would get excited over these kinds of things...but I do! : ) I hope everyone had a very nice HEART Day too!

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