Wednesday, February 10, 2010

5 Months Old...

....and growing and growing and growing! Logan is already into 12 month clothes! Jack and I had to go clothes shopping for him the other day because he had grown so fast out of everything. My little stink bug has so much personality and he is so much fun! I love how when I walk into the room where he is at he smiles and laughs when he sees me. I love his laugh. He has found his toes and loves to check them out. He still loves his exersaucer and swing. Cat naps are still his thing during the day. However, he sleeps through the entire night until about 7:30ish am! Baby boy is teething and that can be a little aweful for him. No teeth yet but I think his gums might be itchy and maybe sore. He loves his bottle or what I call his milkshake. When I am shaking it up for him I know he hears it and he starts laughing and gets really excited. He is still eating his sweet peas and sweet potatoes...I call his sweet potatoes his pie. He eats his pie up so fast! I can not get it into his mouth quick enough. Each day brings new things. Each day I can honestly say is a new adventure. I am learning things about him everyday and learning things about myself as well. I love being Logan's mommy.

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