Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas!

first and second photo posted: credit to Noerr Programs Corporation

Santa making his grand appearance at the mall! hehehe...or should I say...ho ho ho : )
  Jack and I went out amongst the crowds and went Christmas shopping today. We both really get into the Christmas season. We are really two big kids at heart. We are super excited to see Logan do his thing Christmas morning. Honestly..he probally will love the wrapping paper and boxes more than the actual gift. Oh will be tons of fun anyway! We also took Logan to see Santa today at the mall. This is one of our traditions we started with Logan last year. I really thought he was going to freak out but he was really cool about the entire Santa thing. I can not believe that I did not have to get in the picture with him today. The picture posted above is not the clearest....sorry! I took a picture of the picture we bought today so I could share it with you. Maybe we should invest in a scanner? I sent this picture to my sister via cell phone. She texted me back with a picture of her kiddos on Santa's lap. They also had theirs done today too in MD! Plus...both of us had the pictures taken at around the same time. Great minds think alike!

We are heading to the Eastern Shore in a few days so things are pretty busy around here. However, I could not leave without saying Merry Christmas to all my friends! I will catch up with all my bloggy buddies after the holidays. I hope everyone enjoys celebrating with their friends and familes. I LOVE my family's traditions and everything that goes along with Christmas. I will share many pictures from our Christmas vacation soon! Logan's two aunts and I are planning a photography session with our three babies! I really do hope the pictures come out cute. Even if we get ONE really good one. It is going to be difficult but I am going to try my bestest! I am going to try to get some pictures of my sister's kiddos and Logan together too! I am so excited for all that is in store for next week!


Blessings to you and yours.

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