Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gingerbread House

Let me start by saying that making our first gingerbread house was a lot of fun. However, if anyone can get there's to look even half as good as it does on the front of the box ....please fill me on your secret. We got an "A" for effort but a "D minus" for our actual decorating! It was horrible! Do you see my Logan sitting in his big boy chair? I like this chair tons better than his high chair. It is an easier clean-up after meals. Also...the last picture of Logan by the tree I think is so sweet. He has been falling asleep right there in the floor looking up at the tree a lot lately. He also likes to play with our little manger scene. Jack got me that manger scene when we were dating so it means a lot to me. Logan says "Jesus" when I show him baby Jesus in the manger. I hope everyone is getting all excited for Christmas. I got a lot of wrapping done yesterday. I was surprised that Logan did not bother me too much while I was doing that. He was preoccupied with Sprout and he also has had a cold. Poor little guy. I feel like I am constantly wiping his little runny nose. I hope he is better by Christmas and I hope Jack and I do not catch it. I also have a random eye twitch on my bottom eyelid that will not go away! It is so annoying. My eye doctor says that it is something that sometimes appears and takes days to weeks to go away. Email me at  Kristen_Williams28@hotmail.com  if you have ever experienced an ongoing eye twitch...I'd be curious if anyone else that I know has. 11 days ago Logan scratched me in my eye and broke a blood vessel. It healed within a few days but in the meantime I was really stressed about it which may have brought on this eye thing. Dr. said that the leading causes for this is fatigue (which I feel rested)..stress..and too much caffiene...(which I do not drink a lot of.) Anyway, enough of that and sorry if I've bored you...lol. It is a coooold day here in VA! Little man and I are bundled up in our pj's! We are not doing much today since Logan is under the weather. Hope you are having a great day wherever you are today and whatever you are doing!

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