Monday, December 27, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

We are back! I just wanted to say hey to everyone. We had a nice time home for the holidays but we are glad to have made it back to our house. On Christmas day around 7 pm..Logan got sick! He threw up so much! My poor little boy was VERY ill. Jack got sick a few hours after Logan. My mom was sick, my niece, brother-in-law, my dad, and Logan's Poppop Dill. It was a time!

I am happy to say that everyone is doing better. Dill is the only one who is still not doing so well. I am praying I do not get sick or anyone else.

I was so excited to have a White Christmas this year. kept snowing and snowing where we were. We knew we were either going to get snowed in or we would have to travel in it to get back home. This morning we decided to be like the other nuts out there and travel through the winter blast. What would normally take about 2 hours to get home from the shore took 4 hours! The roads were aweful and at some points we could not even see the road due to the snow blowing all over the place. There were cars and trucks in the ditches. I think I lost count at 12. Scary stuff!

We made it home and I have never been happier.

But now I have so much unpacking to do! It seems like you basically have to pack up your entire house and fit it in your truck when you have a toddler. : ) As soon as I get everything straight I will share some pictures with you from our Christmas.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Can 2011 really be around the corner? I can not believe it!

P.S. I somehow managed to lose my cell phone today. I am thinking I dropped it in the snow in Chincoteague. Just my luck. I hope to have a new cell phone up and running in the next few days. I think I just need to glue a cell phone to my hand or something. I lose so many! Bear with me...

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