Friday, December 10, 2010

15 months old

On this very day...Logan Michael turns 15 months old!

I have no clue where the past 15 months have gone. I still remember like yesterday my baby boy's first breaths of life. My days and nights are filled with so much love and happiness from this child. He is our world and I love him more than life itself. I do not think God plays favorites but I am almost certain he gave me the best little 15 month old ever. : ) We are so blessed with this kid. He melts my heart and always makes me smile when I need it the most.

A favorite 15 month story:

This actually happened this morning as I was feeding Logan his breakfast. I sliced up his bananas and put his sippie cup on his tray. I proceeded to grab a bowl of Cheerios for myself. I sat down at the table beside him and started to eat. Within my first bite I hear a frantic "Momma! Momma!" Of course I look over to Logan and he has his hands folded and his eyes closed ready to say grace. He knows that is what we always do before eating. Mommy forgot this morning but what a beautiful reminder from my baby! I thought that was so sweet and I will always remember that.

What Logan has been up to...

~ loves music
~ loves dancing (when music is on he will start turning in circles.)
~ climbs on everything...tables..chairs..etc
~ obsessed with typing on the computer
~ walks around with my cell phone or Jack's and "talks" on it.
~ he has tunnel vison to his grandmother when she is around. (my mom)
~ loves his milk and water from his sippie cup
~ favorite foods are peas, turkey, cheese, sweet potato
~ favorite snacks are marshmellows, lollipops, chips
~ words spoken somewhat clearly are duck, chicken, mommom, momma, dada, Jesus, Sky (for our   pet maltese,) he holds up his hand and says "Stop!"
~ folds hands to say grace.
~ When asked where dada, poppop, and mommom are he points to them right away.
~ he knows where his tummy, head, ears, and feet are.
~ raises arms up in the air when his daddy says, "touchdown!"
~ we have a trio of favorite things...must have pillow pet, paci, and blankie...(especially for naps and bedtime.)
~ We gave up the high chair and now sits at table in his booster chair.
~ favorite shows are Sesame Street, Caillou, Thomas and Friends, Wheel of Fortune, Bob the Builder, Roary the Racing Car, The Wiggles
~ loves taking everything out of my cabinets and putting it back in

This is just an idea of everything Logan likes or is into these days! He is a really busy boy and keeps me busy too!

Happy 15 months baby boy! Mommy & Daddy love you so very much!

What is everyone up to this weekend? It is a  busy one for us. Our friends Katey and Matt and their son are coming over for dinner tonight. I am stalling right now before Logan's check-up. Logan is napping right now. We are going to VA Beach in the morning to do some Christmas shopping. Jack's CG Christmas party is tomorrow night. Busy weekend but looking forward to all our plans.

Happy Friday! Have a safe and fun weekend!

Logan with his paci and blankie...I am sure pillow pet is not far away! : )
So serious when watching his tv shows...hehe. : )

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