Friday, June 25, 2010

Prayers for Grace

Grace...2 weeks old.
This coming Monday my niece, Grace will be having surgery. She has been having off and on trouble with strep for a while. Other than that she is a healthy, happy, and beautiful girl! Her parents and pediatrician feel like removing her tonsils and adenoids is the path to take for Grace. As always, Grace will be in God's hands on Monday. Please pray that God guides the surgeon's hands to do the best job he can. Please also pray that God comforts Heather and Doug now, during the surgery, and after when Grace is recovering. Pray that Grace is a brave little soldier through it all and that she has a quick recovery. Please pray that the surgery is a success and the answer to the problem. I love this little girl with my whole heart and I trust that the Lord will carry Grace, Heather, & Doug through this! Your prayer warriors are here for you G! We love you!

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