Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This & That

Our preppy puppy, Skyler.Our other prep, Tobey.
Helping mama do laundrey.
He loves the big boy bed better than his crib! Uh Oh!

I made a flower bed. I love his expressions.
....and another one..
Finally fell asleep! Mommy is happy!

His favorite way to sleep.

My sleepy son...and a little sun kissed.

A favorite spot...Downtown Smithfield.

A perfect day with my little man.

My happy boy.

This is pretty fun, Mommy!

Swimming in his froggy pool.
Love those puffy cheeks. Jack & I thought this was cute.

LOVE them two.
Buddies. (Logan thinks Tobey is great!)

Trying to eat berries on his own!

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