Monday, May 24, 2010


new room...
Jack and I finally admitted that Logan's sleeping arrangements upstairs is not working out. Logan loves sleeping in our guest bedroom downstairs. He has a fit when I put him in his crib upstairs. Yesterday Jack and I put the guest bed upstairs and his crib downstairs. I think this change will be good. Logan did well with his naps yesterday. He slept so good and did not fuss at all when I put him in his crib. At one point I went to go check on him and he was laying there wide awake just as content as can be. Last night he slept until about 1 am and started crying. I think the new room going to be an adjustment but I think he will eventually ease into this change. From the day we brought Logan home from the hospital I have always put Logan down for his naps in the guest room on the bed. It has been this way for the past 8 months of his life. It was wrong on my part but it just seemed to work well with him. He just got used to sleeping there on that bed. He will eventually move back upstairs when he gets a little older....atleast I HOPE so! : ) One thing I have learned about having a child....things do not always happen the way you plan.

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