Monday, May 10, 2010

my first mother's day

sea of mother's day breakfast...jack & I at botanical gardens.

my baby boy & I at botanical gardens.

the butterfly chair.

Jack and Logan made my first Mother's Day very special. We could have done nothing all day and I still would had thought the day was great. Just being with my two favorite guys in the universe is enough for me. God is good. Jack started out the day by letting me sleep in. Sleeping in these days is anywhere between 6-6:45 am. However, I got to get up at 8:30 am! Logan actually slept in too! Jack had a scrumptious breakfast waiting for me. My coffee was all ready with my creamed chipped beef and hash browns. He had the table decorated with fresh-cut roses from his garden. We headed off to Norfolk to the Botanical Gardens. This was our first visit there since we moved here 4 years ago. It was a beautiful day to be there! There had to have been thousands of rose bushes in their rose garden section. It was like a sea of roses and we were in heaven! Logan fell asleep through half of the walk around the grounds. However, it was nice to have a romantic stroll with Jack. We left there and went to Chuck-a-Mucks in Rescue, VA. It is a small seafood restauraunt on the water. The last time I was there I was about 8 months pregnant with Logan. This time we went Logan was just about 8 months old! I thought that was neat. We got back home and topped off the day with some yummy Mother's Day cake. It was a perfect day and I will always remember it. More Mother's Day pictures to follow soon!

* Logan turned 8 months today! I can not believe how old and big he is getting! I will post his 8 month picture that I took of him today as soon as I get it downloaded.

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