Monday, May 10, 2010

8 months old....

Logan is wearing my Baltimore Orioles jacket from when I was his age. It is so neat to be able to see this jacket on my son! This picture was taken today when he is exactly 8 months old.

What Logan has been up to:

  • wearing 18 month clothes
  • loves to eat! his favorites are bananas, sweet peas, ham, rice & pineapple meal, mixed berries...etc...he is still crazy over his "milkshake"
  • wearing size 4 diapers
  • says da-da all the time...even when da-da is not around
  • we call him our little dinasaur because he sounds like he comes from a prehistoric time. (it really is cute)
  • very ticklish
  • likes to watch sports or Dancing with the Stars...does not seem into kid shows.
  • very alert and into everything
  • still nuts over his paci
  • very close to crawling...he wants to crawl sooo bad!
  • when strangers give him attention he smiles so big and laughs and then hides his head in my chest...he gets so bashful!
  • very attached to mommy
  • loves our bichon, Tobey
  • loves to sleep in a bed, not his crib
  • likes me to sing Old McDonald and Itsy Bitsy Spider

There is so much more about this kid that Jack and I love and are learning about him. He is certainly a gift from above and we love him so very much.

We LOVE you Logan Michael!

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