Friday, January 22, 2010

First night in his crib...

January 19th was the first time Logan slept in his crib for the entire night! He has been ready to do this for a while but it was me holding back. I was not ready to do this. However, I knew it was what was best for Logan. He slept like an angel in his little nursery. I put Logan to bed that night and I headed downstairs to our bedroom. I was laying in bed and I had the monitor practically glued to my ear. : ) I would try so hard to fall asleep but I just couldn't. I have been so used to Logan being right next to me when I woke up for the past 4 months. I guess you could say I was having a little separation anxiety. I decided I would get much better sleep if I slept upstairs on the couch near Logan's nursery. The next morning I am laying on the couch and I hear Jack rushing up the stairs. He missed the both of us! It was so cute. The picture posted is obviously Logan in his crib from that night. My little boy is growing up! I will say that I am now sleeping in my own bedroom and becoming more comfortable with him upstairs. I also wanted to say..January 19th was also my dad's birthday too! Happy belated birthday Pop-de-dop! He is doing really well post surgery. My sister and I and our husbands got him a treadmill for his birthday. We knew he was going to have to do a lot of walking after his surgery. Therefore, we thought this was the best gift to give him to help him recover!

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