Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winter Walk in the Woods....

Lone Star Lakes...
Daddy and his little buddy...
Me & my baby..My other baby...

My precious son...

Enjoying the sunshine on our porch...

No greater love...

It was a gorgeous day yesterday. It felt just like fall and we soaking up the sunshine! Jack and I took Logan to our little spot...Lone Star Lakes. I have mentioned this place before in a previous blog. Logan seemed to enjoy looking around at the nature and Jack and I enjoyed the exercise! Logan has also started eating baby food! At his 4 month well baby check-up his pediatrician gave me the ok to start feeding him all this yummy stuff! I started out feeding him sweet peas. I have always been told to start with your vegetables than start feeding fruits. Clever I think! When I first fed him the peas he gave me a couple frowns like.."What the heck is this stuff, Mommy?!.." Then he ate it all up with no problem at all! My boy loves his vegies! : ) I will upload pictures from that day as soon as I figure out how to do that! (New camera.)

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