Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We took Logan to Kelly's Nursery today to pick out some pumpkins and mums. We dressed him in his Halloween costume too! We thought that would be extra cute for the pictures! We had a blast there and he was the sweetest looking giraffe I have ever seen. I think he is getting used to me posing him in pictures. He only fussed one time and that was it! It was a beautiful day to visit the pumpkin patch. The sun was shining and the air was crisp! This is the place where Jack and I go to get a lot of our roses and plants for our yard. We have always loved this charming little store since we moved here. It is so cool to be able to take Logan places that Jack and I love and share it with him now too! Enjoy the pictures of my little punkin!

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