Monday, September 21, 2009


Logan had his Grandma Tracy and Great Grandmother Arlene come and visit him today. He had his first outing to lunch today and he was such a good boy! He slept the entire time while we had our nice lunch! My friend Catherine and her sister Sarah came for a visit as well. My friend BB stopped in to see Logan too but I forgot to grab my camera while she was here. We really enjoyed all of our company today! Everyone loves little Logan. I am so proud of him! He is a special little boy! Daddy had to go back to work today after being home with Logan and I for the past week. It was hard for him to go back. We have really enjoyed our bonding time as a new family...Just the three of us! : ) I took the sweet picture of my two favorite guys yesterday. I just love them to pieces!


1 comment:

  1. what a cutie! we will be near you during thanksgiving week (monday - wednesday).
