Monday, September 14, 2009

Introducing Logan Michael

Logan Michael was born on 9-10-2009 at 3:03 am. He weighed 9 pounds. I think he is the spitting image of his daddy and a tiny splash of me. Everything went really well. I ended up getting the epidural. I tried to tough it out as long as possible but I finally gave in. I enjoyed the delivery part. I actually was smiling and laughing through it! Jack did great as my coach. I am so proud of him. He is a natural daddy! The only problem we ran into was Logan had a slight case of jaundice a few days after he was born. We have been followed up by his pediatrician and Logan's levels are rapidly decreasing. He is doing really well! I am enjoying my beautiful little family. I never knew how much I could love someone! My son and my husband are my world and it is an incredible feeling being a mommy! I fell in love with Logan as soon as I layed eyes on him. My heart feels so complete. Enjoy this picture of my little man. I will post MANY more pictures later.

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