Saturday, September 26, 2009

Skyler Update....

Thought I would give a little update on my maltese Skyler. He is recovering great since his surgery. I took him outside today to let him walk around and stretch his legs a little. He is usually confined in his cage here lately so he can heal properly. Skyler just hangs out in his cage and Tobey a lot of times will lay right beside him. They have always been close buddies! Usually I use a sling to assist Skyler's walking for his hind legs. Today I decided to let him romp around without the sling. I was scared to let him go on his own but I did! To my surprise he was WALKING! He is still a little weak in his hind legs but that is to be expected. The main thing is that he was WALKING without any help from me at all! I am so thrilled and can only pray he continues to make more progress! I gave him a bathj today because he REALLY needed one. I was afraid his spunky little spirit would be broken because of all this but he is doing really well! Both Tobey and Skyler are adjusting really well with the baby in the house. It took Tobey a little while to get over his jealousy issues but he is very curious of Logan now. Skyler acts as if nothing has changed at all. Whenever Logan cries Tobey runs right over to Logan's cradle and sometimes he will stand back on his hind legs to peek in at him! It is so cute!

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