Thursday, September 3, 2009

Making Progress!

I had a check-up today for Logan Michael. His little heartbeat was normal and he is still in position ready to go! They checked to see if I was making any progress and I am already at 1 cm! My doctor said that he expects me to have Logan by next week. However, this is my first child so anything can happen. Last night Jack and I were watching tv and Logan was pressing so hard on my stomach with his foot. I could not make out an impression of his foot. However, we were able to feel his tiny foot through my stomach. It was the coolest thing ever! Our mouths just dropped and we thought that was so cute. We are in a waiting game as Logan continues to bake inside momma's tummy! Jack and I are going to enjoy this last weekend as a couple alone without little Logan. However, to be honest with you we are ready for him to be here now. I am so anxious..nervous...excited...about my labor and delivery! Prayers appreciated! I am holding onto the best advice I have been given by my sister. She told me recently that everything worth doing is not always easy. I could not agree with her more. Logan has been worth everything thus far and I believe with my whole heart he will be worth everything I am about to face next week to get him here! The picture I posted is of me as I am sitting here creating this post for you now...9 months pregnant!

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