Monday, August 31, 2009

Skyler's Surgery

We took our little maltese, Skyler to the Emergency Clinic last night. He has been having some physical issues for about a week. He lost use of his hind legs a few days ago and this made me really concerned. Long story short he is having surgery today to try to correct the problem. The surgeon we met with this morning gave us a lot of hope that he can recover from this with surgery. Without surgery his recovery percentage is 20-25%. With surgery his percentage of becoming well again is 90-95%. We are praying for the best for him. Please keep him in your prayers. This picture of Skyler is from this morning after meeting with the surgeon. Sky seemed to be in great spirits considering the pain he has been in. He has such a big heart and desire to live.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I saw this beautiful butterfly in our rose garden the other day when I was outside. Living in town where I live you do not see too much of this. It reminded me of when I was a little girl living in the country. My sister and I used to catch butterflies for fun and release them of course. Like I said it is rare to see such a beautiful thing where I am living now so I pulled out my camera to capture the moment. Brought back memories of my childhood for sure!

My two angels.

I had to put up a a picture of my sweet puppies Tobey and Skyler. We have had them for almost 4 years now. The little white fluff ball is Skyler our maltese and the bigger fluff ball is our bichon, Tobey. We are trying to get them adjusted to all of the Logan's things that are sitting around the house. They are very spoiled dogs and we do not want Logan being a huge shock to them when we bring him home. Skyler especially is a momma's boy and we have a feeling he is going to be a little jealous of Logan at first. It will all work out! Here are my precious pups

Great Food! Great Friend!

My very good friend Ann and I had lunch at the cutest restaurant on the water. It was such a nice time and the food was so good! The seafod here is amazing! It reminded me of the seafood you can only find on the Eastern Shore! That is saying something too! When we were there we saw some fisherman unloading bushel after bushel of crabs! YUM! I know where to go now if I ever want some seafood fresh off of the boat! Thank you Ann for such a nice time! Your company, the food, and conversation was great! I always laugh so much when I am around this woman! She is the best. Here are a few pictures from our lunch on the water!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Days

Grace, Heather, & I recently went to the park and we had a great time! Grace had never been on a tire swing and it was a really big hit! Her poppop even came to hang out for a little while to watch her play. It was a beautiful summer day with a nice breeze. We took Grace to the pier and she loved to watch the boats go by and throw stones and sticks in the river. We put Grace in the swing and I promise she could have stayed right there for hours! She was so content and had an endless smile on her face. It is always so refreshing and fun to be with Heather & Grace! Here are some pictures from the day in the park.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Little Miss Sunshine

My niece, Grace is like the sun after the rain. She is a bright spot in my day whenever I am around her. She is a special little girl and I love her to pieces. I can not wait to see her this weekend! She is growing up so fast! She has so much energy and she is so sweet! She loves to dance..I think she gets that from her mommy. She is super independent and loves to figure things out on her own. Here are a few pictures I was able to capture of her recently. She looks so much like my sister!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Collin, Caitlyn, & Cameron

I have already introduced you to my adorable niece Gracie. She is my sister's baby girl and the spitting image of her too! I also wanted to introduce you to my other adorable nieces and nephew. Collin, Caitlyn, and Cameron are my husband's brother's children. Collin is the oldest and he is funny, smart, and most the time he is sharper than his Aunt Kristen! Caitlyn is your all typical girly girl and she is so sweet with a ton of personality and heart. (I call her little Kristen.) Cameron is the newest addition to the family. She was just born a few months ago and we are falling in love with her just as we did with Collin and Caitlyn. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful family. They are so excited to meet their new cousin, Logan. I can not wait for the holidays to dress Cam up as Mrs. Clause and Logan as Santa! It is going to be so cute!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bubble Bath and Building Blocks

This is a continuation from my 8 month maternity pictures blog. I decided to take a much needed bubble bath today. How relaxing! I saw a picture done like this on a friend's blog and thought it was pretty neat. So I took one as well! Jack and I bought the building blocks for Logan the other day when we were out running errands. Every little boy needs building blocks! I can not wait to see him play with all the things we have waiting for him. The next time I post pictures of my tummy I will be VERY close to my due date.

Friday, August 14, 2009

8 Months Maternity Pictures

I have made it to 8 months pregnant with little Logan! I must say the first 7 1/2 months went by really fast. I have enjoyed being pregnant. It has been so exciting! However, I must be honest and say that I am ready for Logan to get here now! Tossing and turning at night can be a little frustrating. It could always be worse! I am getting nervous about the labor and delivery that I am almost face to face with. More excited than nervous. I can not wait to lay my eyes on his sweet face for the first time and hold him in my arms and give him kisses all over. Wow! I am going to have a son in less than a month! What a blessing. Here are a few shots of me 8 months pregnant. Check back in a little while and I will have posted more 8 month shots!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Looks like Aunt KK...

My sister texted me the most adorable picture today of my niece, Grace. When I opened it up and saw this I had the biggest smile on my face. I laughed so hard! Love her little heart! I think Grace's "tummy" looks like mine for sure! Grace will be turning 2 next month. I can not believe it! They will be down here at the end of August for a visit and I am so excited! This is a short blog but I just had to share this picture with you!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nursery Tour

It has been so much fun decorating Logan's nursery. It has been a project in the works since we found out I was pregnant. Jack did an incredible job painting the nursery. We chose a baby blue color for the accent wall and bottom half of the walls. We chose brandied pears for the top portion of the wall. We divided the two colors up with white chair railing. It turned out beautiful! I just love it. I do not really have a theme for his nursery. I am not a big theme person. I chose cute little boy things that would match the colors of the overall nursery or things that would blend in nicely. I have about one more month until Logan arrives and still have a few more things to do. Hanging up in his room is a blanket that a friend made for me with lots of farm animals. I put this on the accent wall which gave it a nice pop of colors. I also have a picture hanging up in the nursery that used to hang up in my room growing up. It is a picture of a little boy on the beach. Lastly, I chose a picture I took on our vacation to NC this past summer. I drew Logan's name in the sand with a heart around it. I thought it was a nice touch to the decor or the nursery. Logan is hooked up with clothes. I have not had to buy hardly anything at all! His closet is FULL of clothes! Well enough of me is the debut of Logan's nursery.

Take time to smell the roses....

My husband takes great pride in his rose garden at our house. He realized he enjoyed gardening when we moved across the bay over 3 years ago. What started as a few little rose bushes has grown into about 40 or 50 large rose bushes. We have all sorts of types of roses and colors. I must say our yard is gorgeous thanks to the hard work of my hubby! When the roses are in bloom my husband makes sure to make me boquets of roses to decorate my house with. They smell so good too! Here are a couple shots of my husband's pride and joy! : )