Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Elijah & Logan

I'm too sexy for this paci....(haha)
This one just makes me laugh!
Just look at them puffy cheeks.

My little gummie bear.

My handsome son.

He put his paci in like that.

My heart melts looking into his baby blues.One of our roses from our yard.
Me, Elijah, & Logan

Michelle, Eli, & Lo


My friend, Michelle came over to visit the other day with her son, Eli. They brought over lots of cute clothes and lots of other stuff for Logan. Thanks you two! We really appreciate everything. I had not seen these two since my baby shower almost 2 years ago. It was great catching up with them and to see the boys playing together.

That same day, Logan was really being a ham for the camera. He kept posing for me so I got some really great pictures that captures his personality. Michelle...we loooove the radio flyer t-shirt. He is wearing it in the pictures posted above.

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