Tuesday, August 31, 2010

abc's of ME

A - Age: 28

B - Bed Size: Queen (Hopefully California King soon!)

C- Chore you hate: Cleaning bathrooms!

D- Dog's name: Tobey and Skyler

E- Essential start your day item: Diaper, butt paste and bottle...for Logan. : )

F- Favorite Color: pink, tan, brown, white, yellow, red

G- Gold or Siver: Neither...white gold or platinum

H-Height: 5'7"

I- Instruments you play: Not now but used to play piano and clarinet.

J- Job Title: Mommy! : )

K- Kids: One precious son, Logan Michael

L-Living arrangments: Cute two story Cape Cod.

M- Mom's name: Joy

N- Nickname: K, Sissy, Aunt KK, Mama...etc...

O- Overnight hospital stay: When I gave birth to Logan.

P- Pet Peeve: snoring

Q-Quote from movie: "Afterall...tomorrow is another day." Scarlett from Gone
With the Wind

R-Right or Left handed: Right

S- Siblings: sister

T-Time you wake up: 6:45-7:00 am

U-Underwear: Only for hubb's eyes.

V-Vegetable you dislike: I love them all!

W- Ways/Reasons you run late: I do not like it when people are late so I always try to be early or right on time.

X-X-Rays you've had: teeth...I'm sure I have had many...just can't remember.

Y-Yummy food you make: I make a mean lasagna...also sketti, french toast, chicken and dumplings....etc. Honestly, I can cook but hubbs spoils me and cooks quite a bit...and he is an amazing cook! : )

Z- Zoo Animals you like: otters, monkey, bears

Birthday Boy

The guys shootin a breeze.
Random....I just love this sunflower garden.

My family...my heart.Birthday boy's party hat.
Birthday cake.
I love cupcakes.

I found these adorable personalized sock monkey cupcake toppers on etsy.com. Logan's smash cupcake.

Sock Monkey Happy Birthday banner!

One of my most favorite pictures from Logan's birthday party.I had a blast with the whole process of planning Logan's birthday parties. I did not have any trouble at all coming up with a theme. I bought him a sock monkey many months ago. He has always been attached to it since day 1. Therefore, it was a no brainer when I decided to have a Sock Monkey themed 1st Birthday party. I am happy with how everything turned out. It was very hard to find Sock Monkey items for birthdays. However, I found everything I needed on a website called etsy.com. You can buy a tremendous amount of things on there. I highly recommend it. The sellers on there are super nice and do good quick business. I threw two parties for Logan while on the Eastern Shore. I will first talk about his party at his Mommom Joy and Poppop Michael's house. I got up early Sunday morning and decorated for the party and made cupcakes. Jack and Logan hung out while I was getting together all the festivities. My mom made lasagna, garlic break, and salad for lunch. My sister, brother-in-law, and Grace were also there. I was so glad my sister did not go into labor early so they could all be there too. My sister had rented a bounce house for Grace's birthday party which was the day before. Therefore, they decided to bring it to Logan's birthday since they had it anyway for the weekend. Logan will probally be mad at me one day for having a pink and purple castle at his birthday in a few years.....but we had fun anyway! I got a Smith Island cake for his main birthday cake and it was soooo yummy! When it was time to sing Happy Birthday to Logan he was very unsure about the singing and he started crying when I blew out his candle. He wanted nothing to do with his smash cupcake. Poor baby! He was also very very tired. Right after we sang Happy Birthday he took a 2 and a 1/2 hour nap. While he was sleeping my family and I just hung out and played outside. We drew on the driveway with sidewalk chalk, played in the bounce house...etc. When the birthday boy woke up we got the two kids together and got some great photos of them. It was a nice day and I will remember it for the rest of my life. At this age Logan will not remember anything. I believe 1st birthdays are more for the parents. Atleast I got some good pictures to show Logan later. I can not believe my baby is almost 1!
More birthday pictures coming soon. However, right now I have a precious baby boy tugging on my leg saying..."Mama..." I think he is sleepy. To be continued....

Princess Party for Grace

Logan and his girl, Leah. (She kept calling him honey...so sweet!) Grace her friends & her princess birthday cake.
Logan chillin and checking out the girls..lol My dad wanted me to take this picture. (Some of my sissy's flowers.)Princess Castle bounce house.
Cousin love.


Grace, her precious buddies, & her little cousin, Logan!Logan and Grace playing with her new Thomas train table!
This past weekend we also attended my niece's 3rd birthday party. She had a princess party and even had a princess castle bounce house to boot! This kid is growing up way too fast. We had a great time watching her play with her adorable friends. Logan hung in there with them as best as he could. : ) G's birthday is not until September 7th. However, my sister had her party early as well. Grace's baby brother is due around her real birthday! What a super birthday present this year for Grace...a brand new brother!
We love you.
Love Always,
Uncle Jack, Aunt KK, and Logan

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sneak Peak

Logan blowing out his birthday candle with daddy.
The birthday boy.

Here are a few teasers from Logan's First Birthday celebration. We celebrated with Jack's family in Chincoteague on Friday. We also had a second celebration with my parents and my sister, brother-in-law, and Grace on Sunday. In between his two parties was Grace's 3rd birthday party. My sister is due to have Gavin on September 10th....so we decided to keep the parties small and have them a little early. Logan's birthday is originally on September 10th and Grace's birthday is September 7th. It was a VERY busy weekend and we are all TIRED but it was all worth it. We had SO much FUN! LOTS more pictures to follow soon.

Long Summer Days

Monday, August 23, 2010

A little front porch swingin...

Logan does not like to share his pool with anyone...haha.

Gavin is due soon...I can not wait to meet him. I love summertime when the living is easy. There is nothing like a cool drink under a shade tree, taking walks on old dirt roads, being barefoot in the backyard with my baby, and rocking on my mom's front porch overlooking God's great outdoors. Sounds like a country music song...but this is really what goes down in the country where my parents live & I love it! : ) It is always nice to go back and visit my roots. It is always nice to come back home though too. What is the next best thing other than being with my hubby and Logan? Being with my sister and her family and my mom and dad.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I was lucky to get a group shot of them...they do not like to pose.
He was not appreciating the sand.

This one cracks me up...look at my dad in the corner of the photo...lol.I love that little boy.

I love those whole-hearted laughs...

Poppop's boy.

I can't see you mommy..the sun is too bright!
Mom loves the beach too.

Hey...the sand is not so bad when mommy is near.

Here are a few pictures from one of our visits to the Eastern Shore. My mom, dad, and I took Logan to the beach at Assateague, Virginia. I will never forget this trip to the beach. I put Logan down on a blanket on the sand. Next thing I know...his foot barely touches the sand. You would had thought his foot touched fire or something. He was just disgusted with it. haha! He held his foot up in the air and looked at me for help. I thought it was the cutest thing. It was one of those moments only a mother could love also I guess. I love summer...I love the beach...I love my son...so I just love, love, love these pictures. I also love the fact that our clothes matched too..tan and white! It was a little windy so my hair was going in every direction...Oh well...we had fun and my mom was able to capture some nice moments bewteen my son and I. Despite Logan's issues with the sand bewteen his toes..it was a SAND-TASTIC evening!