Thursday, December 10, 2009

3 Months Old....

My little Christmas angel has turned 3 months old today. We went out Christmas shopping again today and he slept through the whole thing! Here are a few pictures of him on his 3 month birthday! Logan in a nutshell....He still loves his paci although he has now found his thumb. I think it will replace paci here shortly...we'll see! I catch him smiling at me even when I am looking away from him. I guess he thinks I'm great...for now anyway. : ) He thinks our puppies are funny..especially Skyler. He loves to eat just like his Daddy...If you put him in front of the tv he would watch it all day..(we got to be careful with that)...He despises tummy time and I cave in and do not make him do it for long because it breaks my heart to see him cry...his favorite time to "talk" is around 4-5 am in the morning...he has two little dimples on his cheeks that will make your heart melt... I could go on all day..looking forward to learning more about my little fellow.

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