Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Turkey turns 2 Months!

Logan Michael turned 2 months old yesterday on November 11th. He is getting to be quite big in such a short time frame. He has graduated from sleeping in his little bassinet from Aunt Liz and Uncle Eric. He now spends the night in his pack-and-play. He probally would be ok to sleep upstairs in his big boy crib but I can not bring myself to do that yet. I am comforted having him right in our bedroom for now. He is doing a lot of "talking" to Jack and I now. It is the coolest thing. He really thinks he is doing something! : ) He really talks it up in the morning around 5 am after I am done feeding him. He does not want to go back to sleep. So we have our little "chat" and when he is done he goes back to sleep....and so do I! : ) I took Logan to his 2 month well baby check-up yesterday. The pediatrician said Logan is in the 75th percentile for his age group for height and weight. He is a big boy! The Dr. was really behind on seeing his patients. After seeing the pediatrician we had to go to another clinic in the hospital to get Logan's immunizations. The line was incredibly long due to people wanting their H1N1 shots. We arrived at 10 am and finally left around 2:30 pm. Logan was such a good boy and kept giving mommy sweet smiles while we waited. He cried while getting his shots as expected. However, he stopped as soon as it was done. He was my little trooper. Here are a few pictures from the trip to the pediatrician and some other 2 month pictures of him.

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