Sunday, September 12, 2010

Windsor Castle Park

Jack, Logan, and I found Windsor Castle Park by chance yesterday. One of our favorite restaurants is Smithfield Station. We eat there quite a bit. However, we never knew this beautiful park exisited right across from Smithfield Station. I have no idea how we ever missed it. I had been wanting to get some pictures of all three of us once Logan turned one. I plan to get more here soon at another location I found in Virginia Beach. I would also like to go back to this park later in the fall to get some nice fall pictures. You may be wondering how in the world I managed to take these pictures with me in them! Well..I have a handy dandy tripod that Jack got me for Christmas last year. Works great! The park features the historic Windsor Castle, cotton fields, antique red barns, fishing piers, beautiful trailways, orchards, and so much more. We had a nice time at there and can not wait to go back!
* A few more family pictures at Windsor Castle coming soon!

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