Thursday, September 30, 2010

Country Magazine

Logan October 2009 on a bed of pumpkins!

Logan, December 2009
Are you familiar with Country Magazine? This has been one of my favorite magazines since I was a little girl. It is still one of my favorites and I look forward to every issue that comes in the mail. I decided to submit an email to the Country editors. The email included few pictures of Logan in hopes that they would make their fall/winter issues. I hear it may take several months for submissions to even be looked at. However, I remain hopeful that eventually one of my pictures will be chosen! I have a ton of pictures that would be appropriate for this magazine. I will see where this all goes from here. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Anyone who really knows me knows that I see and speak with my heart. This is one of those times when I feel like I want to express my heart. All this rain we have been getting is a reminder to me of life's little blessings. Blessings from our heavenly Father. Speaking of all this rain....looking out my window today at the downpours I was certain I would eventually see Noah and his Ark float by.  : )  We sure have been getting a ton of flooding. However, I happen to love rain. I actually get happy when I see rain in the forecast. It is so soothing to me to hear rain trickling down on my roof. It makes snuggle time with Jack and Logan so much more cozy! Meals taste better...especially when they are soup! There is nothing like a snuggly blanket to get wrapped up in when it rains. Rainy days make good days to get lost in a book or to take a long nap! (Ha! Ha!) Naps!? Who am I kidding!? I do not even remember what a nap feels like...I have a BUSY 12 month old! But I LOVE it! All these things are life's little blessings to me. I feel like a lot of times people focus so much on what they do not have that they tend to lose focus on what they do have. I am so thankful that God has blessed my life with big and small gifts. I am also appreciative of the times when he allows "storms" in my life. It is through those difficult "storms" or times that I grow more as a person. Storms make you realize an inner strength you did not know you had. You learn a lot about yourself and others during the process. All the "storms" in my life have made me the person I am today. I am not perfect by a long shot but I do have good intentions and a good heart. It is my hope that people take the "rain" in their life and learn to grow from it. If it were not for rain the... flowers would not grow. We should take the "rain" or hard times and allow it to turn us into something better...something beautiful....someone wiser.

Life is not how you survive the storm but how you dance in the rain. ~ Author Unknown

watching rain fall from the clouds...

looks like his hair is it!
raindrops on roses...
 With all that being said...I really had a good day with my munchkin. We sat out on the porch quite a bit and watched and listened to the rain. Despite all the rain Jack still managed to get outside and cook some chicken on the grill! He is such a good husband. Thank you Lord for the blessings in my life. I am happy that I can find my blessings in the simplicity of life. Thank you for my family, friends, husband, and my son.

Thank you for rain....

puddles of rain...

rain jackets a must today....(Jack firing up the grill.)

my drenched Old Navy flip flops...
we hold hands a lot...
comfort food (or candy) also a must on rainy days...

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Today Show

My hometown, Pocomoke, MD was mentioned on the Today Show. More specifically, the middle school which I used to go to, Pocomoke Middle School was mentioned. The principle from PMS, Caroline Bloxom is my friend's mom. I am so very proud of my hometown and for all the wonderful changes Caroline is making at Pocomoke Middle. I saw some of my favorite teachers including  my Home Economics teacher, Mrs. Wright and my 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Butler. Click on the link to watch the clip from The Today Show. Let me know if you have any trouble opening the link.

A few favs!

Baby Shower for Logan, Suffolk, VA
Day after Jack proposed in OCean City, MD.
Hubbs & I in OBX.

Vacation in OBX 2009 & waiting for the arrival of our son.

I decided to look back on some of my old pictures and post a few. I just love the fact that I can post pictures at a larger size now!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Larger pictures

I have always wanted to make my images bigger on my blog. I have finally figured out how to do it! Your blog viewing will not be a little more pleasurable! : ) I previously posted this of my nephew, Gavin. However, it is worthy to be posted again...just LARGER!
I love him.

Logan's 1st Birthday Party

Me & my half nakey birthday baby.Jack helping the birthday boy blow out his candle.
It's my party & I'll cry if I want to!
The family..EVERYONE!
I am trying to play catch up a little with my pictures. These are from Logan's 1st Birthday party with Jack's side of the family. We had a barbeque outside at Mommom Arlene's house. It was another Sock Monkey themed party and everything was so cute! The weather was just perfect and EVERYONE in Jack's family was able to make it. Logan did not appreciate his smash cake at all! I was hoping he would dig into it but we had tears and screaming instead! Another highlight of this weekend was that we got to meet Logan's new cousin, Faith. What a sweetie! Sorry for such the delay with these photos! Better late than never!

Thank You!

Thank you Mrs. Kim for the cool dump truck! I made the mistake of putting Logan in it like this and now he wants me to push him in it all the time! We are having a blast with it though! Thanks again!

Pearls in a Pod

google image

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. ~Matthew 13:45-46
This post is dedicated to my sister, Heather....just because she is WONDERFUL!
I love you very much. A well known saying comes to mind when I think of you and I..... "Two peas in a pod" Better yet....we are "Two PEARLS in a pod." A pearl is a precious, valuable, and most sought after gem. We are His pearl and God will always be there for us. "His eye in on the sparrow, and I know he watches me." You are doing a wonderful job.... Super Mom/Super Wife/ Super Sissy!
Love Always,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Running into the ocean! Getting our hair done.
View from 22nd floor where reception was....BEAUTIFUL! The Golden Sands, Ocean City, MD

Danielle's sister, Ashley and her boyfriend took some pictures on the wedding day. For once I actually did not bring my camera along with me. Danielle hired an AWESOME photographer to capture every moment. Hopefully I will get to share some of his work with you soon!

Assateague, VA

Here are a few pictures from my last beach day for 2010 with my mom and Logan. We saw a huge school of dolphins and a shark! We just saw the fin of the shark but that was enough for me to stay out of the water! : ) It was a beautiful day!

New York!

Another view of New York from the boat.New York at sunset.
Statue of Liberty
Jack steering the boat and his view of New York.
Last week Jack was in New York with his crew doing some security work. He knows how much I love New York so he was constantly sending me picture text messages. I thought that was so sweet! What a good hubby I have!