Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sweet Summer

He will be mad at me one day for this one's cute for now!
Moon over Assateague, VA ocean. (my parents sent this picture to me.)
My box airplane!
Logan waded in his baby pool today on this hot & sultry summer day. Man was it humid! He is getting really brave in the water. He is not a water baby usually. The picture of Logan in the box cracks me up. It looked like he was flying an airplane. I sent this picture to my sister-in-law, Liz. She said he looked very proud of himself in this picture. He was! He really thought he was doing something. He stayed entertained for the longest time in this diaper box. haha. I told Liz...had I known this, Jack & I would not had bought him hundreds of toys. He seems to enjoy random things more, like a box!
Prayers are appreciated for my niece, Grace. As I mentioned in a previous blog, she is having surgery tomorrow morning. Thanks!

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