Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Cute...We were twins and didn't plan it....(My shoes look really sweet with this outfit...haha)
We are holding our own toys now...
Grace posing & Logan chillin on her beanbag chair...
I love this...

A little blurry but still sweet...I think she was saying, "Cheese Aunt KK"....or maybe, "Hola!'...

Out to lunch eating Mexican celebrating sissy's 30th....

This one makes me smile...

Me & my little man...

Grace playing tea party with my old toys...Grace working out with poppop...

Love that smile on his face...(on the Pocomoke River)...

Sweet cheeks...
His shirt says it all...

Look what he can do now...
Love this little guy...
Out to lunch with Grandma Tracy...

Pocomoke River and bridge...

Another one of the bridge ...

I was home visiting my family last week in Maryland. From the short time we were there we were able to squeeze in a lot and see lots a people. Here are some pictures from that trip. More pictures coming soon!

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