Monday, July 26, 2010

Water Country USA!

Too much cuteness...I can't even stand it!
Breakfast at KK's!

H & D chillin poolside.
Waiting for lunch.. I couldn't believe he took a nap in the pool!

J, me, and L-Man getting some sun!

Where we hung out all day!
My sister, brother-in-law, and my niece came down this past weekend. Saturday was the hottest day of the year and where were we????......OUTSIDE! We took off to Williamsburg for the day to take the kids to Water Country USA! The park was VERY BUSY and everyone was scrambling for a patch of shade. We were very blessed to have scored a perfect spot in the shade right by the pool. We all had a blast. My sister is almost 9 months pregnant with Gavin. I was also able to get some great maternity shots of her tummy this weekend too. I have been having download issues with my other camera. Hopefully I will get them posted soon. They are so good! We had a great weekend. It went by so fast as usual.

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